Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Zombie Survival Guide

The new book I have started is called The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead. This book is amazing. The author of this book, Max Brooks, goes into so much detail that it makes the reader believe that these things could happen, and are going to happen. This book, however crazy it may seem is on the New York Times bestseller list. And after reading just a portion of it I can fully understand why it made the cut. 

There are different types of outbreaks. There is the Class I outbreak, the Class II outbreak, Class III, and Class IV. Brooks goes into detail explaining the difference between all of the classes.

Class I: This is a low-level outbreak, usually in a Third World country or First World rural area. The number of zombies in this class of outbreak ranges between one and twenty. Total human casualties (including those infected) range from one to fifty. 

Class II: Urban or densely populated rural areas are included in this level of out-break. Total zombies will range between twenty and one hundred. Total human casualties may reach as high as several hundred.

Class III: A hue crisis. Class 3 outbreaks, more than any other, demonstrate the clear threat posed by the living dead. Zombies will number in the thousands, encompassing an area of several hundred miles.

Class IV: A world completely dominated by the living dead. There are few humans left alive. All hope is lost.

Use one or more vehicles, large pickup trucks, or SUVs to enter an infested area. Once inside, make as much noise as possible to draw the undead to you. Exit the area slowly, matching the speed of your pursuers. Like the Pied Piper, you will soon acquire a tail of zombies, a grisly parade slouching after you. At this point, sharpshooters posted at the back of the vehicles can proceed to take them down. The pursuing ghouls will not realize what is happening, as their primitive brains will not notice that their comrades are falling all around them. Continue to lead them from the area, thinning their ranks until none are left. Use this tactic in urban zones (when the roads are clear) or where natural environments allow long vehicular journeys.

This guide could be a lifesaver if you ever come face to face with the living dead. This guide gives you a step by step process of what to do if an outbreak of any kind ever occurs. If I had to say the best book I have ever read this would be that book without a doubt.

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