Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This week I haven't done much reading. I have started a new book. However I have been so busy with studying and what not that I haven't read as much as I would have liked to. I did take a trip to Bethel College. Where I hope to go to school next year. I have dreamed of going to college there since my freshman year. And I believe my dream will come true. I have filled the application out and everything is looking great. I will definitely have to read more next week though.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Pages: 332
Books: The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks and The Zombie Survival Guide

 My new book The Zombie Survival Guide is amazing, although it is a graphic novel the reader may still fully expect to learn from the book and understand what is going on. I also re-read The Zombie Survival Guide because I felt like that was such a good book it earned the privilege of being read again.

The are no sentences of the week unfortunately.

I have chosen to do poems about war for my anthology project. By far my favorite poem is "Here, Bullet" by Brian Turner.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Book...

The new book I am reading; The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks, is everything that I was hoping it would be. This book, although in the style of a cartoon is amazing. All of the pages are very interesting and are worth reading. This is a very good book. However it is not better than World War Z. World War Z is by far my favorite book I have read. Max Brooks is a genius. It is amazing how much he can come up with about zombies. Everything he writes makes it seem like the events actually happened or could happen. The zombie war does not have to be taken literally. The zombie war can also represent the diminishing relationships between nations, and how war is inevitable. Zombie wars could happen though with the ever-innovating weapons that are used in large-scale assaults, whether they be biological warefare or bombs. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Book

I now have a new book that I just got. To follow my current streak of Max Brooks books I checked out the book, The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks. This book looks amazing. It has an interesting cover to say the least. The back of the book reads as follows,"Man has battled the undead for millenia. In The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks bestselling author and "Studs Terkel of zombie journalism," Max Brooks provides the lessons that history has taught us about zombie outbreaks. This is not a list of all zombie attacks throughout history, but a chronicling of the most famous outbreaks, gruesomely illustrated in graphic novel form. From our descendants on the African savannahs to the legions of ancient Rome to the voyages of Francis Drake to the ill-advised experiments of the Soviet army, The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks, takes the reader on a journey across many anni horribilis and hauntingly reminds us how close the living dead have come to destroying humanity." 

When I first read that I determined I had to read this book. I really hope this book will be everything that it looks like it will be, and possibly even more than I could have hoped it to be.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Max Brooks

As I was watching TV last night I noticed there was a special on the History Channel on zombies. I thought that would be really interesting. So I started to watch it and it was the best thing I have ever seen! And to make things even better Max Brooks was on the show, along with many other authors and people that are a part of the "zombie movement". The show was very informative and covered every part of a zombie invasion. The program was two hours long and worth watching every moment of it. I am now going to read every book that Max Brooks has written. I am very excited for this because he is a very talented author and zombies are very topical in todays society.

Diction Observation Guide

In this excerpt from Nicholson Baker's The Mezzanine, his language is both precise and dignified with a refined suggestiveness. Baker's use of decorative language exemplifies a business-like writing style.

In this excerpt from Catcher in the Rye; J.D. Salinger, uses vivid language to convey a sense of a "journal-like" writing style. His language is to-the-point and very formal, yet conveys a suggestive zealousness.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Style Mapping

Blood Meridian                           Star Dust                           Crescendo
Connotative                              Low                                     Elevated
Figurative                                  Common                            Elegance
Poetic                                         Boring                                Figurative            
Bright word usage                   familiar                               Metaphoric 

"Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy is a very connotative and figurative piece. The piece is calm and almost poetic. "...and dark falls here like a thunderclap and a cold wind sets the weeds to gnashing." "Stardust" by Neil Gaiman is a low and common piece. Talking solely about a small town called Wall. "The town of Wall stands today as it has stood for six hundred years..." And Crescendo has very high language. Becca Fitzpatrick uses elegant and elevated words and grammar. "We waited until Scott had angled himself behind the steering wheel and backed out of the parking space before we exited the building."

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld uses lower language that is harsh and connotative. The word choice is more familiar and blunt, grating and clattering, and also suggestive and imagistic. Words like "cat vomit," "scudding," "bottomless," "cold," and "sucks" suggest familiar, imagtistic, and grating language. On the nearly-opposite pole is Master & Commander by Patrick O'Brian, with the use of high, musical, and connotative language. O'Brain's words for scholarly, fancy, and archaic as he describes the buildings, people, and music. His words are sweet, harmonious, lyrical and imagistic when he describes the violin player and other musicians. Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian is similar with its scholarly words that flow together with a more poetic, suggestive nature.


Pages this Week: 171
Books this Week: World War Z

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

World War Z

I have just started the book World War Z. This book; by Max Brooks, follows the zombie war. 

Here is a little background: Through a series of oral interviews, Brooks, as an agent of the United Nations Postwar Commission, describes the history of 'World War Z'. Although the origin of the zombie pandemic is unknown, the story begins in China after a zombie bites a young boy. The Chinese government attempts to contain the infection and concocts a crisis involving Taiwan to mask their activities. The infection is spread to other countries by the black market organ trade and by refugees; an outbreak in South Africa finally brings the plague to public attention.

Brooks breaks down the zombie war into a series of distinct chronological periods according to the changing state of events and attitudes towards the situation. Those sections are called: Warning, Blame, The Great Panic, Turning The Tide, Home Front U.S.A, Around The World, and Above, Total War, and Good-Byes.

Russia was the country that was affected the worst. This was due to Russia's size. 

This book; which is one of my favorites, is being made into a movie and is due for release sometime in 2012.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Sentences of the Week:

  1. "Do I look like a schoolmaster to you?" - Quicksilver
  2. "But he wears a red fez with a brave golden tassel--" - Quicksilver
  3. "He had been too much like Drake, waiting for some Apocalypse that would never come." -  Quicksilver

Books Read: Quicksilver - Neal Stephenson
Pages Read: 927

New Book Idea

Right now I have finished all of my books that I have started. But I only have one more that I want to read. That book is World War Z. It is currently checked out, but I hope to read it soon. If anyone has any suggestions on good books that they think I would like please don't hesitate to post.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Sentences of the Month

Question: What could be better than hurling a hand grenade at a mass of approaching zombies? Answer: almost anything.- Zombie Survival Guide

"Yeah, he shoots down power for you when you're talking in church"

If you don't  believe in cruelty to animals, don't try this on a sweep.- Zombie Survival Guide

Blades don't need reloading.- Zombie Survival Guide

My winner would be the quote, "
Question: What could be better than hurling a hand grenade at a mass of approaching zombies? Answer: almost anything." - Zombie Survival Guide. That is my winner because it is a funny sentence and it also is very true.

Pages read this week: 311
Books read this week: The Children of Hurin -J.R.R Tolkien


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Favorite Claims

1. In Fighting Gravity’s final Performance on America’s Got Talent, the voiceless and light dancers use graceful, upbeat, and a unique technique that expresses a new and an explosive futuristic type of dance.
Claim By: Mariah

2. The interior decorator's use of strange, modern furniture, simple color, a careful use of space, and distinct, quirky architecture express an energetic confidence and absurd frivolousness of the inhabitant.

3. In this creepily strange video, the innocent looking girl becomes prey to the dark, unusual looking guy, who then follows her into the dark with disturbing intentions, until the shocking climax in which the now evil seeming girl attacks the man with a strange force and ends with an ironic, twisted ending you wouldnt expect in a thousand years.

4. The majestic, distinctive color with the deep, wild detail add to the heavy contrast and proud focus of this lion, a dignified and appreciative beast who hunted his prey out of resigned necessity, and for a disgruntled, hungry family. 

5. In the scene from Homestead's Elite show choir, our choice of uplifting and contemporary pop music sets the scene of sharp and fluid arm movements, short and lively leg choreography and concentrated facials. With numerous girls, the use of space was confined nonetheless gave off an upbeat and loud sound. An example of celebratory cheerfulness, defiant confidence, and impassioned success in the work of these girls who reveal strong vibrancy and optimistic success. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Pages this week: 172

Sentences of the Week:
  1. Question: What could be better than hurling a hand grenade at a mass of approaching zombies? Answer: almost anything.- Zombie Survival Guide
  2. If you don't  believe in cruelty to animals, don't try this on a sweep.- Zombie Survival Guide
  3. Blades don't need reloading.- Zombie Survival Guide

The Zombie Survival Guide

The new book I have started is called The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead. This book is amazing. The author of this book, Max Brooks, goes into so much detail that it makes the reader believe that these things could happen, and are going to happen. This book, however crazy it may seem is on the New York Times bestseller list. And after reading just a portion of it I can fully understand why it made the cut. 

There are different types of outbreaks. There is the Class I outbreak, the Class II outbreak, Class III, and Class IV. Brooks goes into detail explaining the difference between all of the classes.

Class I: This is a low-level outbreak, usually in a Third World country or First World rural area. The number of zombies in this class of outbreak ranges between one and twenty. Total human casualties (including those infected) range from one to fifty. 

Class II: Urban or densely populated rural areas are included in this level of out-break. Total zombies will range between twenty and one hundred. Total human casualties may reach as high as several hundred.

Class III: A hue crisis. Class 3 outbreaks, more than any other, demonstrate the clear threat posed by the living dead. Zombies will number in the thousands, encompassing an area of several hundred miles.

Class IV: A world completely dominated by the living dead. There are few humans left alive. All hope is lost.

Use one or more vehicles, large pickup trucks, or SUVs to enter an infested area. Once inside, make as much noise as possible to draw the undead to you. Exit the area slowly, matching the speed of your pursuers. Like the Pied Piper, you will soon acquire a tail of zombies, a grisly parade slouching after you. At this point, sharpshooters posted at the back of the vehicles can proceed to take them down. The pursuing ghouls will not realize what is happening, as their primitive brains will not notice that their comrades are falling all around them. Continue to lead them from the area, thinning their ranks until none are left. Use this tactic in urban zones (when the roads are clear) or where natural environments allow long vehicular journeys.

This guide could be a lifesaver if you ever come face to face with the living dead. This guide gives you a step by step process of what to do if an outbreak of any kind ever occurs. If I had to say the best book I have ever read this would be that book without a doubt.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Book

I just started a new book as I have finished the other book. This book is a zombie survival guide. I really like this book also. The author of this book goes so far into depth on every tactic and explanation.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Pages this week: 103
Pages last week: 0

Sentences of the week:
  1. "I don't know what I should talk about-about death or about love? Or are they the same? Which one should I talk about?" Voices From Chernobyl

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Further Reading

So far I have read almost half of the book. More into the book you get other individuals experiences from the Chernobyl disaster. There are so many people that were effected by it. In the book it is said that they keep the people in the hospital for fourteen days. And only fourteen days, because that is the time it takes for a person to die from radiation poisoning. In the book there is a woman whose husband has been exposed to high amounts of radiation. The husband was tested and he got 1,600 roentgen. The lethal dosage is 400 roentgen. Roentgen is a unit of measuring the amount of radiation concentration. The doctors said that he was basically a "nuclear reactor". But the wife never left his side. She stayed by him no matter what happened. The husband was obviously dying from the radiation sickness and the signs were easily visible. His skin was peeling off, he was extremely swollen, and parts of his body were abnormal colors. The worst part is that his wife was pregnant. And she wouldn't leave his side. When the baby was born the tested her and the baby had twenty-eight roentgen. All of the radiation went in the child's liver. The child had congenital heart disease. So while the wife stood by her husband waiting for him to die, the baby was taking all of the radiation that should have been inside of the wife. To me this is absolutely horrible. How someone could forget about the health of an unborn child to be with someone that will die soon enough is beyond me. If that were me in his shoes I would have told her to leave so that the child that we made would survive and therefore, be the last piece of me to remember me by. I can understand why the woman wanted to be with her husband as much as she could before he died, but there was no consideration for the unborn child what-so-ever.

In another section it talks about how even the animals were full of radiation. These animals were not normal anymore either. They didn't act normal. They ran away from every person they saw, even if the person brought food for the animals. The animals were all bald also. The radiation even made them go insane. The animals were starving too. They even ate their own babies. They had babies just for the purpose of eating them right away. This is understandable to me but is still weird. It just doesn't seem logical why an animal would eat their own baby when they could just as easily eat another animals baby and the parents. I obviously am not an expert in animal behavior or in anything. All I can do is think logically about what is happening, but I can't help to think that this nuclear disaster could have been prevented.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Voices From Chernobyl

For my first book I chose "Voices From Chernobyl" by Svetlana Alexievich. In my honest first impression I believe that this book will be more about the feelings and interactions of the Chernobyl accident, than a historical representation from eye witnesses. I have only just begun to read this book and I love it already. The story starts off with the author awaking to a noise. Her husband is a fireman and all of the fire men's wives live at the fire station with their spouses. To me this seems a bit strange but it is a foreign culture. As I read I hope to gain a better understanding on what the effects on this radioactive disaster had on these victims.

Reading Plan

I hope to read many books from a diverse genre than I am used to.